Exporting for the first time? Start here
“Where do I even start?” That’s the question our customers ask us most often when they’re considering exporting for the first time.
If, like them, you’re daunted – even perhaps a little fearful of the paperwork and processes involved in selling your goods or services overseas, rest assured – you’re in good company.
We’re always surprised at the number of businesses we meet who think they have to go the export route alone. Nothing could be further from the truth!
That’s why it gives us quite a buzz to be able to support businesses with more than our own professional services, by pointing them towards the advice and help that’s on offer to help companies understand what’s important for export success. We’re sharing some of that on the blog today.
Whatever size your business, and whatever stage you’re at, from just toying with the idea of exporting your products or services for the first time, to drawing up your To Do list, have a look at the UKTI website, www.greatbusiness.gov.uk . As you’ll gather from the website address, this is a government initiative, offering information, case studies and resources on and off-line, events, briefing sessions and training courses. There’s even access to significant financial grants and support, including help with professional translation of marketing materials into the languages your new customers speak.
The British Chamber of Commerce www.exportbritain.org.uk website takes you from evaluating your plans through to making local connections in your target markets. You can access all that, with the personal touch thrown in through your local chamber. Most chambers also offer valuable help with export rules, regulations and the inevitable paperwork.
Here in Cambridge we’re regulars at the Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce monthly drop-in export networking sessions , where, whether you’re an old hand or an export newbie, if you’ve got a question, someone in the room usually has the answer.
Quite often, we’re pleased to say, the person with the answer is us!
And what do businesses ask? Two questions come up again and again. “Where do I start?” And “I know translation is important to export success, but how much will it cost me?” Because these questions are worrying every potential exporter we know, and sometimes stop companies from taking the leap overseas, we’ve worked with businesses, UKTI advisors and the Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce
to come up with a cost-effective and easy-to-use way of buying translation services. Just launched this month, our Go Global starter pack is a one-stop translation shop for companies exporting goods or services for the first time.
- Cintra translators translate a set of key items you’ll need to get started, from fact sheets and business cards to standard e-mail responses and website pages.
- We support you with an up-to-date checklist of business dos and don’ts for your target market.
- And we charge you a fixed price – just £395 +VAT. All rounded off with a 10% discount on any other services in your first year with us.
Unpack your Go Global Starter Pack. Read more here.http://www.cintra.org.uk/our-services/translation-for-exporters-go-global
If you’re already over the hurdles of exporting for the first time, ask me about Go Global Advanced – a flexible option at a fixed price.
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